July 3

Queen Creek Pedestrian Injury Lawyer


Traffic in Queen Creek is getting crazy. Many of the major roads are under construction and homes are being built everywhere.  If you’re going for a walk or jog in Queen Creek, please be careful and follow all traffic laws and light signals.  

Car accidents involving pedestrians can be catastrophic. Most of the auto accident fatalities in the United States are when a pedestrian is involved. As a pedestrian, you likely have no protection whatsoever. This leaves pedestrians particularly vulnerable to severe injury or death. Vehicles tend to approach pedestrians fairly rapidly, which leaves a pedestrian very little time to react or get out of the way.  

Pedestrian Injury Lawyer Serving Queen Creek

I personally have handled multiple situations where a pedestrian died after being hit by a car or truck. Emotionally, these are some of the most difficult cases for a personal injury attorney to handle. I can’t even begin to imagine what the friends and family members of the deceased are going through.  

If you were involved in a pedestrian accident in Queen Creek, please give our office a call at (480) 934-0676, for a free initial consultation with an actual attorney. We offer friendly and compassionate advice, and there’s never a fee unless we win your case.  

Queen Creek Pedestrian Accident Frequently Asked Questions

What if my medical bills are larger than the insurance policy of the person that hit me?

This happens fairly frequently.  Recently, I had a client that was a pedestrian and was injured by a driver that failed to stop at a red light. His medical bills were over $75,000 but the insurance coverage of the driver was only $25,000.  

If you don’t hire an experienced attorney, you could end up owing money to medical providers, even if you were not at fault. In the situation above, I was able to work with the medical providers and his health insurance to work out a settlement for his medical bills. I believe he ended up receiving about $10,000 in his pocket, and all of his medical bills were resolved.  

What if I was jaywalking?

Arizona is a comparative fault state. This means that even if you were negligent, then you may still have a case depending on the negligence of the other person. For example, if you were jaywalking at 2PM, while the sun is shining, and there were no cars within 100 yards of you, and somehow you were still hit by a car, it would be fairly likely that the other person was mostly at fault. Typically, fault is distributed on a percentage basis – ie – you may have been 20% at fault but the car driver was 80% at fault. In this scenario, you’d be entitled to 80% of the total value of your injury claim. 

This is why you’ll want a local, Queen Creek Injury Lawyer, to help you with your case. 

Building a Solid Pedestrian Accident Case

Every accident is different, so each Queen Creek Pedestrian Accident case are going to be a little bit different. Having compelling evidence is vital to maximize the compensation and reimbursement that you’re entitled to after being injured by someone else’s negligence. DO NOT DELAY! Even delaying your case by a few days or weeks can have catastrophic consequences for you. Here are some things to consider when helping to gather evidence for your case:

  • Photos and videos: A picture says a thousand words. Photos and videos can be very impactful when demonstrating the severity of your accident. Take photos and videos of EVERYTHING, including the scene of the accident, any property damage, any marks or bruises or visible injuries that you suffered, road signage, etc. If you’re not able to, we’ll hire an investigator on your behalf to take photos of the scene and document the unique circumstances of your pedestrian accident.
  • Eye Witnesses: If someone witnessed your accident, please make sure that you get their contact information. If you don’t collect it at the scene, it’s likely that nobody will be able to find them. Eye witnesses can provide crucial information as to who was at fault and how serious your accident was. 
  • Police Report: Make sure that the police create a report for your pedestrian accident. If you had to visit the ER and were not able to be around for the police, please make sure that a report is taken. We can assist you in making sure that this is taken care of. 
  • Medical Bills & Records: Your medical bills and records are the primary evidence to show how badly you injured, and how much those treatments cost. If you require future medical care, we’ll make sure to get an estimate from a medical professional on those costs. 
  • Lost Wages / PTO: If you lost income, you are entitled to recover that income. The most important thing that we can recommend is to get a doctor’s note placing you off work. We’ll then work on obtaining the documentation we need from your employer to calculate how much income you missed out on. 

Other Questions?

We’re dedicated to answering your call and helping you obtain justice as soon as possible for your Queen Creek Pedestrian Accident. If you have any questions or want to discuss further, please give us a call at (480) 934-0676 for free and friendly advice with an actual Queen Creek Pedestrian Accident Lawyer. We’re available every day. 


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Talk to an attorney about your case.

We work 100% on contingency so there’s never any money out-of-pocket. We fight to negotiate ALL of your medical bills, for no additional fee.