June 25

Queen Creek Dog Bite Lawyer


According to the CDC, about 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs every single year. Half of these individuals are children. To put that in perspective, only about 36 people per year are bitten by sharks in the US. This makes dogs some of the most dangerous animals to the public. Most of the time, people that are injured by dogs include joggers, neighbors of dog owners, USPS workers, and park patrons. 

If you have been injured by a dog in Queen Creek, Arizona, you have a claim against the owner of the dog. This allows you to hold the dog owner legally accountable. Call Justice On Demand at (480) 934-0676 for a free consultation. 

Dog Owner Responsibility in Queen Creek

In Arizona, a dog does not get a “one free bite”. Arizona is a strict liability state, which means that unless you provoked the dog, the dog owner is strictly liable for injuries caused by their dog. Many dog owners are negligent when it comes to raising, training, or leashing their dog.  

If you’ve been bitten or attacked in a public place, or have been invited onto the property of a dog owner, Arizona Revised Statutes, Section 11-1025 provides that the dog owner is liable for the attack and any damages that you suffered. The Arizona dog bite statute places a great deal of responsibility on dog owners, and rightfully so. Dog owners should take steps to protect the general public from their dogs.  

However, the statute of limitations for strict liability in Arizona is only 1 year from the date of the attack. Make sure that you contact an attorney as soon as possible after a dog bite or attack.

Dog Bite Damages

Being bitten and/or attacked by a dog can be very traumatic. It’s not something that you’re likely to ever forget. If you’ve been injured by a dog, you can seek to recover your medical bills, out-of-pocket expenses, damages to your personal property, lost wages, future medical bills, and future lost wages. 

You can also seek recovery for the pain, suffering, embarrassment, hassle, inconvenience, and emotional trauma that you suffered as the result of someone else’s negligence. Many dog bites leave individuals with permanent scars, which can serve as a frequent reminder of the traumatic experience. 

When is a Dog Owner Not Responsible for a Dog Bite?

If someone was unlawfully on a dog owner’s property and were subsequently bitten or injured by the dog, the dog owner might not be liable under Arizona law. In other words, if the dog owner can show you were trespassing on their property, they may not be found responsible. 

Dog owners may face no liability, or reduced liability, if they prove the victim somehow provoked the dog. What constitutes provoking a dog? Arizona Revised Statutes, Section 11-1027 provides that when “a reasonable person would expect that the conduct or circumstances would be likely to provoke a dog.” This could be hitting or kicking a dog, poking it, running into it with a bicycle, yelling at the dog, or taking food away from the dog.

What Should I Do if I’ve Been Bitten by a Dog in Queen Creek?

The first thing that you should do is call 911 and ask for medical help for anyone that has been injured. Request that the police and animal control come to the scene. Be polite and honest with the police, but don’t admit any fault. Please do not speak with any other party’s insurance company. They often will ask for what is known as a ‘recorded statement’ that they will then use against you.  

If you don’t know the dog owner, make sure that you take a picture of the dog owner’s driver’s license and get their contact details. You’ll also want to verify that the dog is up to date on its vaccinations. 

Your plate is probably full after you’ve been bitten or attacked by a dog. Call Justice On Demand so that we do the heavy lifting for you and make sure that your case is handled properly. Call Justice On Demand at (480) 934-0676 for a free consultation. 

Other Questions?

We’re dedicated to answering your call and helping you obtain justice as soon as possible. If you have any questions or want to discuss further, please give us a call at (480) 934-0676 for free and friendly advice. We’re available every day. 


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