Losing a loved one is always very difficult. You’re probably experiencing a wide range of very difficult emotions – denial, shock, anger, grief, anxiety, depression, and sadness. These emotions can be even more difficult to handle if you’ve lost a loved one due to someone else’s negligence. It’s natural to feel angry and upset if

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If you’re anything like me, you’ll end up getting stuck behind a slow moving truck while driving in Queen Creek. Construction is going on everywhere and it doesn’t look like it’s going to stop anytime soon. Construction brings lots of semi trucks and work trucks, road work, and congestion.   I personally, have a lot of respect

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Diagnosing and recognizing traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) has become much easier and more main-stream. Recent improvements in scanning and imaging, as it relates to traumatic brain injuries, has made it easier than ever to get an actual visual representation of injuries to the brain.   For too long, millions of people have suffered with traumatic brain injuries,

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A products liability case is created when a consumer is hurt by a product that is either dangerous, defective, or has inadequate warnings. If you were injured by a defective or dangerous product, please call a Queen Creek Products Liability Lawyer at (480) 934-0676, for a free initial consultation. We offer friendly and compassionate advice,

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Traffic in Queen Creek is getting crazy. Many of the major roads are under construction and homes are being built everywhere.  If you’re going for a walk or jog in Queen Creek, please be careful and follow all traffic laws and light signals.   Car accidents involving pedestrians can be catastrophic. Most of the auto accident fatalities

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Queen Creek has many rural type roads, such as Hunt Highway. Rural roads have also attracted motorcycle riders due to their scenic views and limited traffic. However, as Queen Creek continues to grow, more drivers will drive on the rural roads. Road construction is going on everywhere in Queen Creek. This unfortunately will mean more motorcycle

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According to the CDC, about 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs every single year. Half of these individuals are children. To put that in perspective, only about 36 people per year are bitten by sharks in the US. This makes dogs some of the most dangerous animals to the public. Most of the time,

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If you’ve been injured in an accident, the Lawyer that you choose matters. Suffering through an injury is never easy. Hiring the right attorney to help you is very important. Whether you’ve been hurt in a car accident, suffered a trip-and-fall type accident, or been bitten by a dog, the last thing you want to deal

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It’s no secret that Queen Creek is growing. More and more people are moving to Queen Creek, often from out-of-state. Construction is going on everywhere and it doesn’t look like it’s going to stop anytime soon. In 2022, the federal government estimated that Queen Creek had a population of around 60,000. As of 2024, the

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Everybody hates dealing with lawyers. Everybody. Even me. I’m an experienced lawyer and I hate dealing with other lawyers. Why do we hate lawyers so much?  Bad CircumstancesUnfortunately, when we’ve had a situation that required us speaking with an attorney, its usually under bad circumstances. If you’ve had a divorce, car accident, death in the family,

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